Cancer prevention - mammasonography

Every year, some 40,000 women in our country suffer from breast cancer, that is to say in the course of their lives every 8th to 10th woman. Unfortunately, the more precise causes are still to a great extent unclear. Even if so-called risk factors are not present, nonetheless we must assume that cancer can touch every woman, even those that are not at special risk.

As a conclusion from the above, we recommend the following preventive examinations:

  • Palpation of the breasts by the gynaecologist every 6 months.
  • Self-examination once a month.
  • Mammography at regular intervals, depending upon the initial values.
  • Ultrasound examination of the breasts as a supplement to mammography.

Although none of these examinations can prevent breast cancer, they can nonetheless detect it at the earliest possible stage. By way of mammography, even the very smallest lumps or micro-calcifications that are not yet palpable can be detected. In addition to a possible x-ray examination, the ultrasound examination of the breasts can offer early detection.

Although the statutory preventive examination paid for by the health insurer does include palpation of the inner genitals, the mammary glands are only palpated commencing at age 30, and the rectum beginning at 45.
For the early detection of mammary cancer, the most common type of carcinoma in women, in addition to regular self-examination of the breasts an ultrasound examination is recommended.

In order to give optimal form to your personal prevention plan, according to the recommendations of the German Senological Association, at the latest by the age of 50, in addition to palpation examination it is recommended that ultrasound diagnostics also be included in your plan.